This is a 21+ grown n sexzy kickball game!
All those who would like to participate in the kickball tournament will fill out a participation form. Participation Forms are going to be sent to you via Email once you subscribe to our ButtatanProductions.Com website! This event will begin the start 2x a week kickball tournament. These are Co-Ed Teams!
..::If You have choose to participate::..
Team Leaders will be chosen once everyone has arrived! These teams will be your team for the season! $25 for your team shirt is mandatory for season players!. Season calendars will be available at the time of arrival!! If you & your team want to practice outside of our dates that is between ya’ll!
-Arrival begins at 11:45 am
- The Game will begin at 1:00 pm
Food & Beverages
We will provide Snacks such as Hotdogs & Burgers
BYOB- we will only provide a select amount of beer and non-alcoholic beverages!
If you choose to donate to help us make this Tournament the best it could possibly be, you can donate on our donate page! Any little bit helps and we truly appreciate all donations made. We also respect your privacy, all donations made are kept private unless you would like to be thanked publicly (in which the donation would have to be a substantial amount)
This Event is strictly for Meet & Greet purposes as well as creating an environment of no judgement zone, getting to know your new community you have chosen to join. We expect everyone to be on their best behavior! There will be no bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, etc. of any sort. We also expect for you to drink responsibly as we are not liable for any accidents or tickets you may receive due to your alcohol consumption!